
Case Studies

Goldplate solutions primary objective is to deliver a world class environmental reporting and recording platform. To do that, we work very closely with our clients to try and understand their work flows and reporting needs. Our solution has been built from the ground up with direct input from organisations that use the product and perform the services. But, we need your help to make the product even better. We greatly appreciate feedback and case studies from clients. It helps us, to help you. We take on board all the feedback we receive and put it into building a better platform. All future upgrades to the platform are yours, as a subscriber, free of charge.

If you would be interested in submitted a case study, for us internally, or that we may use publicly, we would greatly appreciate it. It will also help to drive out development efforts in a direction that will directly benefit your organisation. A public case study not only demonstrates your organisations commitment to meeting the highest of standards, but allow us to build a better platform, ultimately benefiting the users of that platform.

If you would be interested, please submit your notes to us, or contact us today.